Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pride 2007

On June 24th I had the pleasure of attending Atlanta's Pride and was honored to join the Decatur Women's Softball League (sponsored by Southern Voice) as they took their place in Atlanta's Pride parade. What an amazing experience!

What struck me as I walked down the parade path was how proud I felt of my community, and the diversity that dotted the sidelines as we made our way among the cheering families and single folks. There was a wonderful spirit shared by the crowd, parade participants and LGBT allies and supporters!

This year's Pride was especially poignant for me because I had an opportunity to speak with people about what we do here at LegalOut. We know that Pride is the LGBT event that makes it to the news; it's a perennial splash of positive attention that the LGBT community gets, but we also know that it's our day-to-day concerns that fill out the rest of the year: Will my partner be protected should anything happen to me? Will I be able to visit my partner in the hospital in case of an emergency? LegalOut strives to be your first step toward not just protecting but asserting yourself and your family as vital members of a diverse society.

Our team is hard at work to make the best online LGBT Legal Document Preparation and Resource Center.

We look forward to updating you about our progress.

Thank you for your support of LegalOut.

